Valcre supports import of PwC Investor Survey data into our Valcre Workbook.  Below is an overview of the data that can be imported into Valcre and links to helpful information to walk you through the process.

PwC Investor Survey data supported in Valcre:

  • Capitalization Rates (OAR) | current year and multi-year historical values back to 2000
  • Exposure & Marketing Time | current and 1 year historical
  • Discount Rates | current year and multi-year historical values back to 2000
  • Residual Cap Rates | current year and multi-year historical values back to 2000

How to import PwC data into Valcre:

  1. From the workbook, click on the "PwC" link in the OAR sheet of the workbook to login to PwC to access Investor Survey data
  2. From the Home screen on PwC National, scroll down and select “Property” under Survey Market Spotlights
  3. Select your region from the dropdown menu 
  4. To the right side of the screen, click on “View Detailed Findings”
  5. Scroll down to the lower half of the next page and locate the graph under the heading,  “Key Indicator Analysis”
  6. On the right side of the chart, click on the download button and select “Download Data in Excel”
  7. Export Market files from PwC website for up to 4 markets to analyze in Valcre
    • Note: Historical data access varies by PwC Subscription Plan
  8. Navigate to the OAR sheet in the Valcre Workbook and load each Market file into the National Investor Survey table
  9. Data will automatically populate the table and charts for all time periods included in the export files
  10. Imported data will automatically populate the Discount Rates and Residual Cap Rates tables and charts on the RATES sheet
  11. Manually populate ranges (min and max) if desired for analysis
  12. Navigate to the EXEC sheet and manually populate the Exposure & Marketing Time table

Additional learning resources:

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