Welcome to Valcre Training

The Valcre training team will lead you through three learning workshops. These sessions are designed to help you get the most out of your new valuation software in your first few months without overwhelming you with every detail.


Workshop Sessions

Please sign up for as many sessions as often as you would like; we would love to see you there. 

Session 1: Database Basics 

You will learn how to load subject properties, jobs, and comps into our cloud-based data system, allowing you to easily pull that data into Excel and Word templates for your Report Creation. 


Session 2: Excel Excellence 

Building on the database training, we will teach you how to export your data into our Valuation Workbook in Excel. These templates will contain data that needs to be added and customized, as well as common areas where we get questions. 


Session 3: Word Warriors 

You will learn to elevate your skills in Valcre by learning to bring your Excel template into Word for your report. This workshop will cover data export basics, adding additional files, and ensuring your report is client-ready. 


These sessions are designed to get you up and running in the basics of Valcre using your unique use cases, standard appraisal workflows, and shared experiences. 

Once you have launched with Valcre, the training does not stop! 

We will offer additional topic-focused webinars and helpful documentation to continue your learning and development.

Our Help Center is available 24/7 for self-directed learning needs. We suggest starting with the Getting Started Guides and selecting your purchased tier. 

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