This function allows the exporting of one to many Valcre tables into a new Excel Workbook that presents the values only, stripping out the formulas that would be present in a typical Valcre Workbook. 

This guide shows how to access and utilize the Exhibit Exporter feature in Valcre’s Valuation Workbook.


  1. Subscription Tier: Enterprise Only
    • If you would like to upgrade your subscription to Enterprise, please reach out to your Client Success Manager or our support team via chat or email for assistance. 
  2. Completed Valuation Workbook 


How-to Guide

Step One: Open the workbook on which you wish to use the Exhibit Exporter

If you have not completed a workbook, first complete a workbook before continuing to the next step. 

Step 2: Access the Exhibit Exporter in the Valcre Ribbon.

In the Valcre Ribbon, select Export and select Exhibit Workbook.

Step 3: Select the applicable tables and charts you want to present and select Export

In the preview window, you can select any tables, maps, or other data points in the workbook that you want to point to a different workbook and export as an exhibit. By default, some sheets are already selected; this varies based on the module and template used in your workbook. You may unselect them if they are not applicable.

Note: The naming conventions in this window are an exact match to the sheets' naming conventions in the Valuation Workbook.

Step 4: Name the new workbook file. 

Once it has completed saving, locate and open the new workbook based on your chosen file name and selected storage location. All selected tables, maps, or data points are now populated in this workbook. 

Additionally, all numerical fields are now just a value; there are no formulas or rounding throughout the workbook, only the exact numbers. 

Note: The sheets are ordered based on the order of selection. You can rearrange these just as you would any other sheet in Excel. 


For additional questions about using the Valcre Exhibit Exporter, please get in touch with Valcre Support using the Online Chat in Valcre Online or Valcre Mobile. 

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