Valcre’s Valuation Report template creates reports that perfectly align with your needs, allowing you to add your personalization without sacrificing quality and productivity. 


  1. Subscription Tier: Professional | Enterprise
  2. Completed Valuation Workbook 
  3. Completed Datasheets (if applicable) 

Table of Contents

  1. Video Guide
  2. How-to Guide
  3. Troubleshooting

Video Guide

This video will cover importing all the data in the Valuation Workbook into one of our Report templates, setting up the workbook to be ready to export data, using the Valcre Add-In, and updating the Valcre Add-In content controls.


How-to Guide

Step 1: Prepare your workbook for sync.

  1. Before linking your report to your completed valuation workbook, remove the cell shading from the tables by selecting Turn Workbook Shading Off at the top of the Home sheet inside your workbook.

Step 2: Save the workbook and store it in the same location as the report. Not doing so will result in the inability to link the workbook and report and is a violation of USPAP Record-Keeping Rule

Step 3: Link the Report template to the Workbook file.

  1. In the Report template, open the Valcre Ribbon and select Linked Files
  2. Select Change File and, select the file you wish to link.
Pro tip: Not able to see your Workbook? Ensure the workbook and report are in the same folder. Once they are both in the same folder, your file will be available to link. If the issue persists, please connect with our support team for further assistance. 


Step 4: Sync the information 

  1. Select the Update All dropdown to select how you would like to update and select the Update All button. (Located just above the dropdown option)
    • Update Using the Fastest Speed- syncs the quickest but generates lower-quality charts and images. This option is ideal for when you are in draft mode and making updates within the file
    • Update Using Highest Quality- takes longer to sync but generates higher quality charts and images. This option is ideal for your final version.

Step 5:  Highlight your links to help you distinguish what is brought in from the workbook and where it’s being pulled in, versus what is just plain text in the document.

  1. In the Valcre ribbon, select Highlight
    • All links: This option will highlight all workbook links including, but not limited to unused links
    • Highlight any unused links: This option will highlight only the unused links to help you identify any unused areas that you may wish to update or delete. These items appear in red text and red highlights. 
Pro tip: Leave the links highlighted until you are ready to finalize your report. This will ensure you are not making changes to anything that is being brought in from the workbook


Step 6: Review the report, paying special attention to the Yellow and Red highlights. 

  • Yellow Highlights: indicate fields synced with the workbook. To make changes to these fields, update the information directly in the workbook and re-sync. If you manually edit these fields in the report, they will be overwritten with the workbook data the next time you sync.

To Edit Synced Areas:

  1. Select the link and select Open in Excel. This will redirect you to the corresponding area in the workbook.
  2. Make your edits in the workbook, then save it.
  3. To update the report, choose Update Selected to refresh a specific link or highlighted area without re-syncing the entire report.
  • Red highlights and text- When you see red text, this indicates that manual manipulation is required from your end. In some cases, you have options to choose from. In other cases, they may be unused sections, approaches, and scenarios, and will need to be deleted. 
    • To review the area in the workbook where this data is or to update the information for the same steps above for Editing Sync’d Areas 
    • Delete small sets of text
      1. Highlight text and select delete.
      2. Any red text that you wish to keep (for example when choosing between two options), highlight the text and change the color to match the rest of the report text.
  • Remove entire sections- such as approaches
    1. Highlight the section and select the delete key
    2. Delete the blank page, by selecting the page and using CTRL+ Delete on your computer.
Pro Tip: When deleting a section or specific wording in the report, this will be permanently removed from your file. Should you re-sync your workbook, those sections will not be re-added. 


Step 7: Add subject property photographs

  1. Manually add by dragging and dropping from your computer
  2. Sync from Valcre Online using Insert Files in the Valcre ribbon
  1. Locate the Subject Property section in the Report and delete the tables by right-selecting the , located next to the heading: Subject Property Photographs, and selecting Delete Table.

  1. Place your cursor at the top of the Subject Property Photographs section and select Insert Files from the Valcre Ribbon at the top of the Word Report Template.
  2. This will bring up all images uploaded to the Job Record, the Subject Property Record, and the Primary Photos to any comp sets created and linked to the job.
  3. Insert the desired images in your preferred method.
  • Individual selection: Select images one by one, selecting Insert after adding each image. 
  • Multiple images at one time: Hold CTRL and select all desired images; select Insert once all images have been highlighted.
Pro-tip: Be sure to review the image insert options before selecting Insert
  1. Use standard photo size: checked by default and will ensure all images are scaled to the same size. De-select to pull the photos through in their actual size.  
  2. Insert photos in a 2-column layout: Insert photos as a grid
  3. Include caption: Add all comments and captions to the photos in the Online database.
  1. After inserting all images into your report, you may select to realign the captions. By default, all captions are set to left-side alignment. To change the alignment, highlight the entire table and modify the alignment.

  1. Repeat this process for all areas you wish to add images to your report, such as Plat Map and Zoning Map.

Learn more about Insert Files

Step 8: Update the Addenda if applicable

The addenda section allows you to add additional items such as Datasheets and Appraisal Qualifications.

  1. Locate the Addenda section of the report, select Insert Files from the Valcre Ribbon, and switch to the Files tab to view and insert any PDF or attached documents.
  2. Select the file(s) you wish to insert and select Insert.

Learn more about Insert Files

Step 9: Update Table of Contents

  1. Scroll to the top of the report and highlight the entire Table of Contents
  2. Right-select the Table of Contents and select Update Field.

Step 10: Prepare your final report

  1. Remove link highlighting
      • Select the Highlight drop-down from the Valcre ribbon, and de-select the options you chose at the start.
  2. Select Update using the Highest Quality Sync option
  3. Convert to PDF 

Your report is now ready for any final reviews required by your firm or ready to send to the client. 




Continue Learning about Valcre with our suggested guide: Valcre Report: Inserting Datasheets in a Report.


For additional questions please contact Valcre Support.

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