Valcre Online: Using Lease Comparables

This guide will teach you how to create new, edit existing, and link Lease Comparables in Valcre Online.

  • Note: The blue-shaded fields are suggested to be populated, but no field is required. Once data enters a shaded field – the shading will change to white. The Primary Photo from the Property record will show at the top of the page, and the location will be on a map.


  1. Subscription Tier: Any valid Valcre subscription
  2. Existing Property Record

Table of Contents

  1. Adding New Lease Comparables
  2. Updating Existing Lease Comparables
  3. Creating a Comparable Set
  4. Add an Existing Lease Comparable to a Job

Adding New Lease Comparables

This video will guide you through creating a Lease comparable. Below, you will find the step-by-step directions. 

Step 1: Locate the relevant property record to attach the lease comp to by selecting Properties from the left side menu and enter the search properties into the search bar


Step 2: Select the property to add to the Lease Comparable by selecting Open.


Step 3: Select the Comps tab from the top menu


Step 4: Any comparables already added to this property will be located here. Select Add Lease to add new or additional Lease Comparables

Step 5: Enter the relevant lease information

Step 6(optional): Enter Secondary Space information. This is used in areas of the country that separate shell and office space rents. You can hide this section if it does not apply to you by hovering over Secondary Space and selecting the arrow. 

Step 7(optional): Add Comments

The Lease Comments field will appear in the Lease Datasheet, and the Valuation Workbook will be entered when the comparable is imported. This comment will then sync into the Valcre Report within the Income Approach to describe the comparable lease.


  • Note: Anything entered into Lease Comments (Not Lease comments Private) will be added to your Datasheet. 

Step 8(optional): Enter Confirmation details

This section allows you to enter all contact information for the appraiser who confirmed this comparable.

Step 9 (optional):  Add Files

There are two ways to attach any relevant documents regarding the Lease.

  • Option 1:  Select Add from the top menu, and then select Files and Photos. Finally, drag and drop the files/photos into the box or use Select Files to import from your computer.

  • Option 2: Select the Files tab from the top menu and then select Add Files. Finally, drag and drop the files/photos into the box or use Select Files to import from your computer.


Pro Tip: The file/photo that is starred will be the primary photo. 


Step 10(optional): Related Tab

Use the Related Tab to see what other jobs your Lease Comparable is related to.


Step 11 (optional): Export As: To export your Lease, select the Export option from the top menu and select your export type.  

This is now locatable in the Leases section of Valcre Online


Updating Existing Lease Comparables

Step 1: In Valcre Online, select the Leases tab from the left-side menu and search for and open the Lease Comparable you want to update. 

Step 2: Make any edits required


Creating a Comparable Set

This video will guide you through linking your comparables to a specific job and creating sets of comparables within that job. Below, you will find the step-by-step directions. 

Step 1: Select Leases from the left-hand menu, search for a Lease Comp to include in a set, and select Open.

Step 2: Select the clipboard+ icon to add this comparable to a Job.

Step 3: Search for and select the Job to which you wish to add this comparable and choose Next.

Step 4: Select New Set. Give the set a name to help identify it later, and select the Set type. Finally, select Add to Job+Set


Pro Tip: After creating the set, you can add additional comps following steps 1-3. Instead of selecting New Set, select the existing set linked to the job and select Add to Job + Set


Add an Existing Lease Comparable to a Job or Set

Step 1: Locate the Lease Comparable 

Select Leases from the left side menu and use the search field to locate and open your Lease Comparable

Step 2: Select the clipboard+ icon from the top menu

Step 3: Search for the job you wish to add the Lease Comparable to and select Next

Step 4: Select the Set (if applicable) to add the Lease Comparable to or select Add Job to add the comparable without a set. 


Continue Learning about Valcre Online with our next suggested guide: Creating an Expense.


If you have additional questions about lease comparables, please contact Valcre Support using Valcre Online or Valcre Mobile.

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