This guide will teach you how to use the UNITMIX sheet in the Valcre Valuation Workbook.
- Subscription Tier: Professional or Enterprise
- The current Valcre Valuation Workbook downloaded and set up by enabling the Income +Subject Unit Mix + Survey 1 on the home sheet. Note: if you are using both Survey 1 and Survey 2 sheets, you will also need to enable Survey 2 in the set up.
Step 1: Select the UNITMIX sheet from the bottom navigation menu
Step 2: Select the type of job: Multi-Family or Self-Storage from the drop-down menu on the right side of the table.
Step 3: Select the number of Unit Types.
Step 4: Import unit mix data by selecting Click Here to Import Unit Mix
Note: This will pull in the unit mix from the survey record attached to the subject property record in Valcre Online.
Step 5: Select the Number of Bed Groups. This is how you are going to be making groupings for your conclusions.
Step 6: Label each selected Bed Group.
Step 7: If you want to use custom bed groups by typing over the top of the fields, make sure you assign them appropriately in the Unit Mix input section.
Step 8: Select Unit Mix Type.
Pro tip: You may have already labeled this in Valcre Online, if not you can select them here.
Unit Mix table
This table summarizes the Unit Mix.
Rent Roll table
This table summarizes the Rent Roll.
Step 1: Enter the asking rent and the recent leases totals.
Pro tip: If the data for these fields isn’t necessary you can hide them.
- As with any table, do not delete columns or rows; it will cause workbook errors to form and prevent their usage in the Report.
Contract Versus Market table
The concluded rents will not be filled in until you complete the Survey sheet(s).
Once the Survey sheet(s) have been completed the Conclusions and Contract v Market percentage is calculated for you.
Both the Unit Mix and Survey sheets contribute to the build and calculations of your conclusion in the DirectCap sheet.
Continue Learning about Valcre with our next suggested guide: Valcre Workbook: Using the Survey sheet. |
For additional questions about Using the Unit Mix sheet in Valcre Office, please contact Valcre Support using the live chat feature in Valcre Online or Valcre Mobile.