Valuation Workbook Sheets
- Valuation Workbook: Setting up your Workbook
- Valcre Workbook: CUSTOM- Custom Fields sheet
- Valcre Workbook: MAPS- Regional, Aerial & Local Maps sheet
- Valcre Workbook: EXEC- Executive Summary sheet
- Valuation Workbook: Using the REPORT - Report Information Sheet
- Valuation Workbook: Using the SITE - Site Details/Description sheet (02:39)
- Valuation Workbook: Using the IMPV - Improvement Details & Component Description sheet (01:51)
- Valuation Workbook: Using the TAX - Assessment & Taxes sheet (02:01)
- Valuation Workbook: Using the ZONE - Zoning sheet (01:21)
- Valuation Workbook: Using the DEMO - Demographics sheet (01:18)
- Valuation Workbook: Using the LOCAL - Local Area Development sheet (01:52)
- Valuation Workbook: Using the REGIONAL - Regional Unemployment Data sheet (01:32)
- Valuation Workbook: Using the CMA1 - CoStar Market Analysis sheet (02:49)
- Valcre Office: Using the LAND1/LAND2 - Site Valuation sheet
- Valuation Workbook: Using the SALE1 | SALE2 - Improved Sales sheet
- Valcre Workbook: Using the UNITMIX sheet
- Valcre Workbook: Using the SURVEY1/SURVEY2 sheets
- Valuation Workbook: Using the RENTROLL sheet (Single-Tenant)
- Valuation Workbook: Using the RENTROLL sheet (Multi-Tenant)
- Valuation Workbook: Using the RENT1 - Lease Comparison sheet
- Valuation Workbook: Using the IE_IN & IE - Operating Historicals sheet (06:10)
- Valuation Workbook: Using the EXPCMP - Expense Comparables sheet (1:58)
- Valuation Workbook: Using the IE_CONC - Income & Expense Conclusions sheet (1.53)
- Valuation Workbook: Using the OAR - Capitalization Rates sheet
- Valuation Workbook: Using the DIRCAP - Direct Capitalization sheet
- Valcre Office: Direct Cap 2
- Valuation Workbook: Using the LEASEUP - Lease Up Single-Tenant sheet (2:07)
- Valuation Workbook: Using the LEASEUP - Lease Up Multi-Tenant sheet (4:31)
- Valuation Workbook: Using the VALUES - Reconciliation of Values sheet
- Valcre Office: Using the Rates sheet