Valcre Workbook: MAPS- Regional, Aerial & Local Maps sheet

This sheet allows you to bring in Aerial, Local, and Regional maps to customize and finesse for your Valuation Report.  


  1. Subscription Tier: Professional or Enterprise
  2. Current Valcre Valuation Workbook downloaded and set up


How-to Guide

Step 1: Access the MAPS sheet by selecting MAPS from the bottom or the left-side navigational menu. 

Step 2: Select the desired Map Vendor.

Pro tip: This is defaulted to Google Maps. To use Google Maps, select Get All Maps. If you prefer to use Here Maps, select from drop-down to update the maps to Here Maps


Google Maps walk-through

Step 1: Select Map Size


Step 2: Make any Map modifications required. 

  • Type
  • Pin Color
  • Zoom
  • Label


Step 3: Select Go to update with any changes made during Step 2. 


  • Note: Anything you draw on top, such as an outline of the property on the map, will appear in your report.

Pro tip: Did you accidentally move the maps around on the screen?  Select Get All Maps to refresh.


Here Maps walk-through

Step 1: Select your Map Size


Step 2: Make any Map modifications required. 



  • Map Type - Select the map type from the drop-down menu
  • Pin label: Direct type into the field to change the pin’s label name

  • Text Color -  Changes the color of the text on the Pin Label
  • Pin Color - Changes the color of the pin label.
  • Pin Style - Adjust the style of the pin using the drop-down selector.
  • Radius - Indicate your Radius


  • Measure -  Set your preferred units of measurement


  • Scale Bar -  Indicate if you would like to include a Scale Bar

Step 3: Select Go to update with any changes made during Step 2Snag_16d280d8.png

  • Note: Anything you draw on top, such as an outline of the property on the map, will appear in your report.

Pro tip: Did you accidentally move the maps around on the screen?  Select Get All Maps to refresh.


Continue learning about Valcre with our next suggested guide: Valcre Workbook: Using the EXEC - Executive Summary.


For additional questions about Using the MAPS sheet in Valcre Office, please contact Valcre Support using the live chat feature in Valcre Online or Valcre Mobile.

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