Keyboard Shortcuts for the Valcre Product

This guide is full of quick shortcuts that you can use to manage your database, complete valuations in the workbook, or create your report more easily and quickly. Think of this as your personal cheat codes. 


Table of Contents

Valcre Online

Opening a page in a new tab

When navigating through Valcre Online, you may find that when returning to a previous page, any selections or parameters that were previously set will be reset. It could be that you are running a search for comparables that meet a certain use case. 

  • To retain your current page while also being able to view the comparable record in a new tab, we recommend using CTRL + Click. This allows you to open the record in a new tab. You’ll then be able to return to your Search Results page to pick up from where you left off. 

Pro Tip: This works across the entire Valcre Online platform if you’d like to open pages in new tabs.


Mass-selecting records

When viewing your Search Results page, you may want to select multiple comps in order to generate Datasheets, add them to a Job, or to simply export in CSV format. Instead of manually selecting each comp one by one, you can use SHIFT + Click in order to select mass-select. 

  • Hold the SHIFT key and select the first record. Next, still holding the SHIFT key, select the last record. This will now select all records in between the two selections.


Valcre Valuation Workbook

Converting a formula to output text

In the Valcre Valuation Workbook, there are going to be cases where comments or narrative (which pull through to your report) will be generated using a formula. This uses boilerplate plain text and data points (which are pulled from Valcre Online) to generate the comment. However, you are not easily able to modify the comment due to how the formula is constructed and there may be cases where these comments require tweaks or modification.

If this is the case, F2 and F9 can be used to convert the formula to output text, where you will then be able to modify to your liking.

  •  Note: Once this has been done, the comment will no longer be updated automatically should you pull in any new information from Valcre Online.


Mass-Selecting Rows to be hidden 

When working through your Valuation Workbook, one of the steps is to hide away any rows of information that you deem to be irrelevant on your current appraisal. You may also find yourself needing to unhide rows if you would like to add additional rows of information on an adjustment grid.

Using SHIFT + Click allows you to select more than one row at a time, which is what will be required when you need to unhide a row/rows.

Valcre Report:

Mass-selecting an area of the report

When you are refining your report document during the draft phase, there may be sections of the report which you would like to remove entirely - for example, an unutilized Income Approach.

It can be tedious to highlight an entire section page by page, so by using SHIFT + Click, you can easily highlight a section by using the scroll bar to move from the start to the end. Once you have highlighted the section, you can then delete it out using the DEL or BACKSPACE key.

Deleting a page with a leftover Section Break 

You may notice that once you delete out a section from your report, there will be a single blank page that cannot be removed simply using the BACKSPACE key.

This is because this page has a hidden Section Break.

In order to delete the Section Break (and the page along with it) you will need to place your cursor on the page and hit CTRL + DEL.

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