File Naming

It’s important to keep the file name short and simple. If your file name is too long, it can cause issues further down the line. Example: 1200150 - 910 West Ave

File Locations

When accessing and working on your files, it’s important to ensure that they are saved to a local folder on your computer. Storing files on a network/file-sharing folder is fine, however this should be only for storage purposes when the file is not in use or completed.

When storing your files, it’s best practice to store your Excel and Word files in the same folder location. This will ensure that your files will link without issues via Datalink.

Word Document

Whenever you are reviewing and adding comments to a report file that has been sent to you, it’s important that you are downloading the file and opening it with Microsoft Word. This ensures that the file stays intact in terms of formatting.

When removing unused content controls, be sure to click into the grey area of the content control and press the DELETE key on your keyboard. This will delete the whole content control and not only the contents. 

Excel File

When starting a new job, it’s best practice to always download a fresh Excel template from the Downloads page. This is to ensure that you’re using the latest version available.

Do not delete rows or columns - instead just hide the rows and columns you do not want to utilize.

Valcre Add-In

It’s important to remember to save your Excel file each time before you sync with Datalink. This will ensure that all of your links will be updated.

If you receive your report file back from review and you need to make some updates, please ensure that ‘Track Changes’ has been turned off before you re-sync via Datalink.

Other Add-ins

Uninstall other Microsoft Word and Excel add-ins that are not relevant to using Valcre. This would include Narrative1 (N1) add-ins.

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