The SURVEY1/ SURVEY2sheets in the Valcre Valuation Workbook are the Improved Sales Comparison Approach sheets. This guide will teach you how to use them.
- Subscription Tier: Professional or Enterprise
- Survey Comparables entered into Valcre Online
- The current Valcre Valuation Workbook downloaded and set up by enabling the Income +Subject Unit Mix + Survey 1 on the home sheet. Note: if you are using both Survey 1 and Survey 2 sheets, you will also need to enable Survey 2 in the set up.
Table of Contents
- Enabling the SURVEY1 | SURVEY2 sheets
- Survey One | Two Set-up
- Survey Comparison table
- Unit Conclusion
- Survey Comparable Map
- Survey Comparable Photos
This video will demonstrate using the Survey & Unit Mix tabs (SURVEY1 & UNITMIX).
How-to Guide
Enabling the SURVEY1 | SURVEY2Module
Step 1: In the Home sheet, select SHOW ALL under the Modules, then select Yes for Income+Subject Unitmix + Survey 1 and Survey 2 (if applicable).
Survey One Set-up
Step 1: In the Survey1 sheet, select Comp Set Name to Import from Valcre Online.
This will pull the data into the improved sales comparison table below.
Step 2: Clean up the table by using the comparables analyzed number to remove excess space.
Step 3 (optional): Manually remove or add any comparables in the Comp ID field
Add by typing directly in the yellow field
Step 4: Determine if you will be completing Qualitative or Quantitative adjustments. This selection will be reflected in the Rent Survey Information table below.
Step 5: Determine if you are Adjusting the Unit and Project Amenities as Overall or Individual using the drop-down. This will be reflected in the Rent Survey Information table below.
Step 6: Enter your Standard Adjustment. This is reflected in the Building information table below.
Survey Comparison table
This table will have a summary of your Survey Comparables.
Step 1: Pull in any additional items from Valcre Online to populate additional fields using the information entered into Valcre Online for that item.
Pro tip: This section has ten additional lines hidden; unhide them if you wish to add additional items to this table. |
- As with any table, do not delete columns or rows; it will cause workbook errors to form and prevent their usage in the Report.
Rent Survey Information
Step 1: Make any necessary adjustments using the yellow fields if performing qualitative adjustments.
Step 2: If you selected to adjust the Unit/Project Amenities individually, this table will now have a selection of drop-down menus viewable, allowing you to select which amenities you would like to adjust.
Step 3 Optional: If you would like to adjust any other items, you may use the blue drop-downs to add additional items from Valcre Online.
- Note: These default to hidden. To unhide, highlight the rows above the Subtotal Survey Adjustments, right-click, and select Un-hide. Remove any unused rows by hiding them.
- As with any table, do not delete columns or rows; it will cause workbook errors to form and prevent their usage in the Report.
Unit Conclusions
Step 1: Enter the Unit Type for each conclusion. The unit type is set in the UNITMIX sheet.
Step 2: Enter your Conclusion for each Unit Type.
Survey Comparable Map
Step 1: Select your map provider and map preferences then select Get Map.
- Map API: Select the preferred map provider: Here (default) or Google Maps
- Map size: Select the size of your map
- Show Key: Appears below the map.
- Map Type: Determine the type of map you would like to use
Zoom: Determine how zoomed in you would like the map to appear.
- The Zoom on Here maps defaults to Auto, fitting the subject and all comparables on the view. Adjust your zoom as necessary using the drop-down and selecting Get Map to show changes.
- Pin Style: Adjust your pin style to highlight your subject and comparables as appropriate for your report.
Pro tip: If you prefer to see your changes step by step, select Get Map after each selection. Any changes in the map preferences will be reflected once you select Get Map. |
Survey Comparable Photos
Step 1: Select Yes for Auto-fit and Get Photos to populate your Survey Comparable photos from Valcre Online.
Step 2 (optional): Resize the photos
You may manually adjust the sizing and positioning to re-size the photos further.
Pro tip: How your photos look in the workbook is how they will look in the report. |
Continue Learning about Valcre with our next suggested guide: Valcre Workbook: Using the IE_IN & IE - Operating Historicals sheet. |
For additional questions about Using the SURVEY1 sheet in Valcre Office, please contact Valcre Support using the live chat feature in Valcre Online or Valcre Mobile.