Mobile App - Complete Guide

The following instructions assume that the user has already created the job on their computer and entered the most basic information including job details and subject property address and is ready to head out for the inspection.


Search For Jobs

  1. Main Tabs - When the app is first opened, the default page is Jobs. The dropdown in the upper left corner allows to switch between JobsContacts, and Properties. For now, select Jobs.
  2. Sorting Jobs - Tap here to sort jobs four ways: Name, Number, Due Date, or Last Opened By Me. Jobs can be sorted from highest to or vice versa by tapping again. (Further details below)
  3. Search - Tapping this button opens a keyword search. Tap on one of the search results to enter that job record.
  4. Filter – Tap here to filter the types of jobs that appear, including those that are categorized as Open, Closed, Assigned To Me, etc. 



Sorting Jobs: Further Details

2a. Jobs Sorted by Number: High to Low


2b. Keyword Search Results For “Garden”



Job Records

  1. Driving Directions - Get driving directions to the subject site by tapping the
  2. Add Photos - Use this button to add photos to the subject record. Options include “Take Photo” or “Choose from Library”. (Details on next page)
  3. Job Details - This will show additional details about the job.
  4. Subject Property Record - Tap here to access the subject property record. (Further details ahead)
  5. Job Contacts – This section shows client and property contacts. Email or call them from the app.
  6. Teammates - See any other staff that is assigned to this job. Email or call them from the app.
  7. Comp Sets - Access comparable sets that have already been added to the job. For example, tapping here would open the Improved Sales set that has previously been added to this job. (Further details ahead)
  8. Edit Job - Use the edit button to alter job details. Click the “Save” button at the top right corner of the screen after making changes.
  9. Add to Job - Finally, use the selection button (See top right corner of image) to add any records (subject property, client, property contact, etc.) while in the field and to access Help & Feedback for the Valcre mobile app.


Add Photo: Further Details

2a. Once the photo icon is clicked, the selections include: “Take Photo” or “Choose from Library.”



2b. By selecting “Take Photo” the camera app will open to take a photo. Select “Use Photo” to keep or “Retake” for a better photo.


2c. Continue to take as many photos as needed. Once done hit the “Cancel” button and this screen comes up showing that the photos are uploading.



2d. Tapping on a photo from the gallery view (shown above) opens the screen below. The pencil button (circled) opens a window to type in a caption for that photo.


2e. When selecting “Choose from Library” this screen will open to select which photos to upload from the device.


Subject Property Record: Further Details

5a.  When clicking on the subject job record (item 4 of previous Job Record page) this page will be presented.

Tap the view property details button to see all the property information that has been entered for this property.

Tap the edit button to open the editable property details fields:

5b.  After tapping the edit button, the property details open on the General tab which includes fields such as address, city, etc. Tap in any box to pull up the keyboard and fill in information. Click the “Save” button at the top right of the page after making any changes.


5c.  At the top of the page, there is a dropdown where you can navigate to the various sections of the property record and enter information on each tab.


5d.  Some fields have pre-written selections to choose from. You can select one or more categories.


5e.  After making pre-written selections, you can also type any additional information.


Comparable Sets

Available to tap from the Jobs page, Comparable Sets show the details of any comparables that are added to the job and are part of a set. The image to the left is an example of a Sale Comparable set.

  1. Accessing Comps - Tap on any sale to get additional details. (Further details ahead)  
  2. Share & Export - Tap here to select Share & Export to bring up a list of reports that can be created from this set (datasheets, summary, etc.). (Further details ahead) 


Accessing Comps: Further Details

1a.  This shows the details of sale record 1 from the comparable sets page. The highlighted button opens driving directions to the sale comparable.

1b.  Click “View Related Jobs” to see details of jobs that have used this comp previously.


Share & Export: Further Details

2a. This is the first page of a datasheet export that shows all the details of a Sale set.


2b. This is a summary report from the same Sale set. Print or email from the bottom left.




This button is located at the top left of the Jobs, Properties, or Contacts pages.

  1. Change Office - Tap here to change offices (if your company has more than one office). Only records (Jobs, Properties, etc.) from your current office will be displayed. If you are unable to change offices, contact Valcre support to have this permission enabled.
  2. Settings - Tap here for photo preferences including (a) whether to upload using cellular data or over wi-fi only and (b) to save a backup copy of all photos taken on the device
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