This guide will teach you how to use the OAR - Capitalization Rates sheet in the Valcre Valuation Workbook.
- Subscription Tier: Professional or Enterprise
- Current Valcre Valuation Workbook downloaded and set up
- Completed SALE1 | SALE2 (if applicable) sheets
- Completed DIRCAP sheet
- Completed CMA1 Sheet
Table of Contents
- Market Extraction Method table
- NOI/SF & Capitalization Rate table
- National Investor Survey
- Market Interviews table
- Market Cap Rate
- Rate and Growth Analyses
- Capitalization Rate Summary
How-to Guide
You can access the OAR - Capitalization sheet in your Valuation Workbook by selecting OAR from the bottom menu selector.
Market Extraction Method table
This table contains information based on your selection in Step 1, which is brought in via the completed SALE1 and/or SALE2 sheet.
Step 1: Select which Sales Comps you want to use in the Market Extraction Method table.
- Sale1
- Sale2
- Both
Step 2: Select the total number of Comparables Analyzed to button up your table, removing excess space.
Step 3: Determine if you will be making adjustments to the comparables
- Selecting 'Yes' adds adustment rows to the table such as, but not limited to, Market Conditions, Location, and Size
NOI/SF & Capitalization Rate table
This additional chart assists your analysis by displaying where the Net Operating Income falls in comparison to the Cap Rate.
Pro tip: This chart is moveable via click and drag, allowing you to adjust it to your liking or move it to a different location on the sheet. |
National Investor Survey Table
You must import your PwC reports to use this table and subsequent chart. If you are doing an income or income & cash flow approach, the Markets imported on this sheet will be reflected in the Exposure & Marketing Time table on the EXEC sheet.
Step 1: Access PwC using the link on the table and export your relevant reports. Be sure they are reflecting the same number of periods.
Pro tip: You will need a separate file from PwC for each market you are reporting on. |
Step 2: Select the Number of PwC Markets you are importing.
- This will add the appropriate number of markets and the ability to import the appropriate PwC report by market.
Step 3 (if applicable): Select Hide Range Columns if you don’t have or wish to display the data for these columns present.
Step 4: Select if you wish to show charts based on the number of periods you want reflected.
- Note: This does not need to match the PwC import. For example, if you have imported a 25-year report, you can select 5 years for your chart range.
Step 5: Import the report for each market by selecting Import next to the table.
- Note: The Market Name will be imported directly from your PwC report and can be edited or adjusted to reflect your preferred order of Market Names.
Step 6 (if applicable): If you selected to show the range columns, manually enter the ranges for each market you imported.
Step 7 (if applicable): To show a retrospective quarter, adjust the quarter to the desired end quarter. This will modify the table to show a Retrospective quarter line and be reflected appropriately in the National Investor Survey Chart below.
Pro tip: Select Reset YR/QTR to bring your table and chart back to the most recent quarter. |
National Investor Survey Chart
The chart will reflect the data from the reports and the National Investor Survey table above.
Pro tip: This PwC import and how you set up the National Investor Survey will be reflected in the Rates sheet's IRR and Residual Cap Rate tables. |
Market Participant Interviews table
This is an optional table to utilize if required for your report.
If using:
Step 1: Select the Number of Participants you interviewed, up to 5 participants. This will adjust the table accordingly, ensuring you do not have blank rows.
Step 2: Select Yes for Utilization
Step 3: Fill out the table by overwriting the placeholder text within the yellow-shaded cells.
If not using:
Step 1: Select No for Utilization. This will close up the table.
Please don't delete any rows or columns in the Valuation Workbook, as this will affect the sync into your Report and cause errors.
Market Cap Rate Chart
The information in this chart is populated using the CMA1 Enhanced Market Analysis sheet, showing you the Cap Rate trends for your asset type in the overall market.
Rate & Growth Analyses
This section allows you to calculate a cap rate based on a lender's and an investor's return requirements.
Step 1: Select the Type of Analysis
Step 2: Select the Mortgage Term (Amortization)
Step 3: Enter the Mortgage Ratio (LTV)
Step 4: Enter the Equity Dividend Rate (EDR)
These items will also populate in the Simple Band of Investment table, providing you with the Mortgage and Equity Components and the Indicated Capitalization Rate.
Capitalization Rate Summary
This table will summarize the data you have used in previous tables on this sheet.
Step 1: Select if you wish to include RERC. Selecting no will remove the RERC line from the Conclusion table below.
Step 2: Select if you wish to include Realty Rates. Selecting no will remove the Realty Rates line from the Conclusion table below.
Step 3: Amend the Component Name of the National RERC Average and/or National Realty Rates Average.
Step 4: Remove any sources you are not using by hiding the row to remove the calculation.
Please don't delete any rows or columns in the Valuation Workbook, as this will affect the sync into your Report and cause errors.
Pro Tip: Concluded Capitalization Rate: The conclusion made in the DIRCAP sheet is reflected here. |
Continue Learning about Valcre with our next suggested guide: Valcre Workbook: Using the DIRCAP - Direct Capitalization sheet. |
If you have additional questions about using the OAR - Capitalization Rates sheet in the Valcre Office, please contact Valcre Support using the live chat feature in Valcre Online or Valcre Mobile.